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More than values, these principles serve as the bedrock for our services — because with confidence, discipline and patience, you’re able to not only provide for yourself, your family and your future, but you’re also able to go beyond simply maintaining a budget.

How We Help


We’ll work closely with you to understand your goals, values, current financial status, income needs and the future you imagine for yourself.


We’ll develop a plan that will be reviewed with you, outlining recommended solutions and strategies to consider.

Lincoln, NE financial advisor Steinkuhler Financial Group


We will select the tools and resources needed to implement your strategy and we’ll review the progress of your plan as life changes.

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Driven by Your Unique Journey

Which Phase Are You In?



Cruise Control

Delivering New Possibilities

From a new investment strategy to a solidified retirement plan, our team is well-versed in the nuances of financial planning. With our insight, tools and resources, we strive to provide you with everything you need to apply our recommendations throughout your day-to-day life.

Our Core Services



A roadmap for your future, your financial plan is a living, breathing document that we will periodically amend and adjust according to any changes that happen in your life. Dedicated to a comprehensive planning approach, we’ll deliver recommendations based on your specific needs, dreams and fears so you achieve peace of mind and clarity.



We’ll work hard to ensure all sides of your financial picture are accounted for when determining the optimal next steps for you to achieve your investment objectives. From mutual fund portfolios to ETF portfolios, we offer a variety of avenues and options for you to choose from depending on your needs, goals, risk tolerance and timeframe.



Our partnership with Futurity First Insurance Group gives us access to a wide range of life, disability and long-term care insurance providers, allowing us to shop the coverage plans that best suit your unique needs. As things change, we’ll review these policies to make sure they continue serving your best interests.

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation

Enhance Your
Company’s Value

Company Retirement Plans

We are here to provide businesses with the knowledge and resources they need to provide a healthy retirement plan for themselves and employees. 

How We Measure Your Plan’s Success

Participation: Are employees engaged and retirement ready?

Contribution: Are employees maximizing all available opportunities?

Cost-effectiveness: How effectively is your money being utilized?

Business Solutions

We offer corporate companies, small businesses and individuals the knowledge and resources they need to maximize their company retirement plan. Our service model is designed to minimize fiduciary risk, enhance plan benefits, reduce fees and most importantly, improve overall plan experience.

What We’ll Do




Support employers with the selecting the appropriate plan, platform, record keeper, TPA and investment lineup for your firm.


We will work together to implement a service model to consistently review plan and to integrate changes in marketplace.


Business owner should expect an ongoing relationship built on Teamwork.

financial Support Lincoln, NE Steinkuhler Financial Group


Support employees through their financial journey and be an advocate for their financial goals.

financial education Lincoln, NE Steinkuhler Financial Group


Your employees on the benefits, features and importance of participating in the plan.

financial Coach Lincoln, NE Steinkuhler Financial Group


Your employees on becoming retirement ready and the resources needed to achieve their goals.

Learn More

Here are some additional retirement plans that we offer.



Individual 401(k)

Choosing the right company retirement plan involves a detailed discussion beyond the content listed above. Please consult with us and your CPA to ensure you get the most out of your options.


Contact Us Today

Fiercely Advocating
for Your Future

Ty Steinkuhler Photo

Ty Steinkuhler

Founder and President

I began my financial services career back in 2011, primarily working in the insurance field and ultimately navigating my way to becoming a financial advisor. After working with a variety of individuals, families and business owners, I quickly realized that I wanted to help people for a living. Throughout my seven years as an advisor with Mutual of Omaha, I decided to make a change and start my own firm — leading with an unbiased approach and guiding my attention to the point-of-view of my clients.

Before starting my career, I was a student-athlete and two-year starter with a Nebraska football team. Like many other college athletes, my professional sports career was short-lived, and the real world began knocking at my door. It made me realize that I needed to get my finances in order; I needed to plan financially for what my future might hold. I realized many individuals, like myself, did not have the confidence, discipline and patience to successfully manage difficult, and often complex, financial decisions.

When I’m not at the office, you can find me spending time with my wife, Robyn, son, Lane, daughter, Lanny Mae, family, friends, or watching Husker sports games (football, basketball and volleyball). If there’s anything you should know about me, it’s that I love to travel with my wife and friends and enjoy being in the outdoors, especially when I’m kayak fishing.

Financial Resources

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Account Portals



Get Started Today

Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a first-time financial planning client, we look forward to opening the doors of opportunity so you can look ahead to the future with confidence.

Steinkuhler Financial Group

 3401 Village Drive, Suite 202
Lincoln, Nebraska 68516

P) 402-475-1693

C) 402-525-2239

Additional Information

How can I maximize Social Security?

What does Retirement income planning look like?

How much and what type of life insurance should I own?

What type of investment strategies do you use?